A take-off on I Corinthians 15:10 - "But by the grace of
God I am what I am."
God created me. I don't understand ---
is what I am now the "me" that God planned?
If by the Lord's grace I am what I am,
can I be to blame, whatever I am?
Is claiming that just a pretext to say
whatever I am is really okay?
As if what I am is not up to me?
So blame it on God, and I go Scot free!
Or does God alone observe the real me,
not just what I am, but what I can be?
God knows my desires as well as my needs.
God knows the intent behind all my deeds.
The "me" others know is not the real me;
nor is it the "me" I want them to see.
I'm not what I seem. Yet is it not true,
that masquerade "me" is part of me, too?
Beneath the facades the world need not see;
the masks that I choose reveal the real me!
Indeed, I confess that it may well be
those phoney facades are closest to me.
To know who I am may be but a sham.
Salvation is this: to know whose I am.
To know I am Christ's by grace and that he
can free me through faith to be the real me.
(from Now, That's a Miracle!)
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